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Karen Neatherlin

Superstar Consultant

(979) 487-9427

My Story

I joined Scentsy August 2013. I loved the product and the investment was small. At that time it started out as a hobby. I loved the extra money each month. It allowed me to spoil our grand children. We had 6 at the time and now we have 7. It started out slow at first, but eventually it took off. I realized quickly that there was so many oppurtunities to meet people and start new friendships. There are fabulous incentive trips and amazing sponsors and directors. Well in 2014 the oilfield went down and affected my husbands income drastically. Scentsy was a God send. My Scentsy income now helps me supplement where we fall a little short. I have to say that joining Scentsy was the best decision I ever made. I am so glad that I invested that money in this company. I have a wonderul team and I am looking for more people to enjoy this journey with me.  

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